Friday 2 November 2012

Wellies are for farmers

As I left Canada the big joke of all my friends and family was "well you better get some wellies (rainboots) as soon as you arrive," a statement that makes much sense when it rains at least 1/3 of the year (maybe this is an incorrect fact but thus far it has been proven true). As soon as I got here I learned other wise. It is VERY rare to see people wearing wellies on the streets of Cardiff. When i told my flatmates that I was looking for a good place to buy them, they all gave me strange faces and asked "why do you want wellies?" I thought the response was obvious but I told them anyway "to keep my feet dry" and the response I got back "if you walk down the streets wearing wellies then you will look crazy. Wellies are for people that live on farms or work on farms, they are NOT meant to be worn in the city..." It took me a while to comprehend that based on the weather that I had already experienced here but I still didn't understand, so I asked " what do you do to keep your feet dry?" My flatmates response started with an unknowing shrug and ended with "we don't."..... and I'm the crazy one.....
Since then, I have learned the rules or appropriate footwear.
1) Buy shoes with high soles (It makes a difference, trust me)
2) You are allowed to wear rainboots but only when it is REALLY raining and if they are "cute" or have the Hunter label
3) You are not allowed to wear them to a bar unless it is a "fancy dress" (costume or themed nights) theme, then you just need to justify them as part of a costume.

I have also learned that the weather can change almost instantaniously. It can be patio weather one minute and then downpour the next so ALWAYS bring an umbrella (this is a new concept for me because if you open an umbrella in windy Nova Scotia then it will be broken in a dumpster 10 minutes later.

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