Saturday 17 November 2012

Not too hot, Not to cold, Just right.

Its funny how you miss the simple things when you are travelling (or living) in another country. For example, I miss North American water taps. Wales (and I believe many other parts of the UK too) have decided that it is more suitable to have one hot tap and one cold tap; you either burn your hands or your freeze them. There have been many times that I see females leap in front of the bathroom sinks because the surprise of the hot water has hit them hard. From what I have been told, the theory behind these sinks is that it shouldn't make a difference because you are supposed to fill the sink and mix the water, which sort of makes sense with washing the dishes but not as much when you are washing your hands in a public bathroom. Plus there are always little sections of hot and cold water pooling in the sink waiting for a sneak attack on your nerves. I know what you are probably thinking... first world problems. True, but I will never take a medium tap temperature for granted ever again.

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