Thursday 13 June 2013

It’s been a while since I last wrote a blog entry, I apologise for this, as I was writing exams, moving, getting tattoos (plural) and learning how to relax and take care of myself (two straight months of studying also means two months of make shift meals and increased stress levels) . It’s been harder and harder to find the unique aspects about living in the UK as now I am starting to feel they are getting more and more common. I have finally trained myself to say “toilet” instead of "washroom” and “Plaster” instead of “Band-aid”. I still learn new things everyday such as “chemist” versus “pharmacy” however those are less and less common the more time I spend here.

 I am now living on the other side of Cardiff (Wales) where I have no school friends, no idea how to pay my heat or water and the only Internet I have is around the corner at my new favourite pub. It’s the first time that I have felt like I am living here instead of visiting. So far I have learned that drunk people are bold but friendly (Not a new concept anywhere I suppose but even more so here). Almost anyone is very happy coming up and talking to me about whatever interests them. The most common one that I have got so far is “what is so important that you need to bring a computer to the bar?” Fair question although the guy beside me brought his work here too so it’s not as uncommon as you think. 

I do truly appreciate everyone’s good nature and welcoming attitudes. Wales is small enough that you can feel a part of a community and yet big enough that you can go to the pub around the corner and sing your heart out at karaoke night and not know anyone in the audience (not saying that I have done that- just theoretical so far). Let’s just hope these new connections I make can help me find a job. Fingers crossed.